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Low SWaP MWIR Detector and Video Core

Sparrow is a MWIR detector and video-core module based on SCD’s Blackbird 640×512/10μm read-out integrated circuit (ROIC) and it’s High Operating Temperature (HOT) XBn-InAsSb Focal Plane Array (FPA). The Sparrow detector enables versatile high-end imaging over a wide spectral range, from the SWIR to the MWIR, and the high FPA operating temperature of 150K allows the use of a low Size, Weight and Power (SWaP) cooler. The Proximity electronics board controls the detector and cooler, and outputs raw video at a frame rate of up to 180Hz. The same board also has thermal imaging video-core capabilities at 60Hz with sub-frame video latency, user-configurable advanced image processing algorithms, and a variety of output video formats. The detector module is equipped with a miniature split-linear Stirling cooler, and a small and stiffened Dewar, which, together with the Proximity electronics board, are compactly harnessed to a low weight metal frame, designed to withstand harsh conditions and allow for easy and efficient integration to the optical system. The module is optimized for a wide range of low SWaP applications, with a volume of 58×62×42 mm3, a weight of 300g, and a power consumption of 5W at room temperature. In this work we present key results from the Sparrow detector and video-core, which are now in low rate production at SCD.

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  • G. Gershon
  • D. Chen
  • R. Gazit
  • A. Karabchevsky
  • Z. Kiblitski
  • O. Magen
  • T. Markovitz
  • B. Milgrom
  • K. Rozenshein
  • R. Ohayon
  • N. Syrel
  • I. Vladovsky
  • M. Weinstein
  • I. Shtrichman
  • I. Nachman

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