Semi-Conductor Devices' long wave infrared 640 ×512/15μm pitch type II superlattice detector is
based on an XBp design with an InAs/GaSb absorbing layer and an InAs/AlSb barrier layer. The
barrier architecture ensures a low, diffusion limited, dark current and allows stable passivation to
all fabrication steps. It is shown that the dark current is about 10 times the Rule 07 value and
corresponds to a minority carrier lifetime of about 10 ns, while the quantum efficiency can
approach within 10% of the HgCdTe value for realistic detector parameters. Detectors are now
being manufactured with a reasonable yield, for an operability above 99.5% and a stable and
reproducible noise equivalent temperature difference of <15 mK when operated at 30Hz, F/2.7
and 77K.
Key Words: Infrared detector; Barrier Detector; pBp, XBp; MWIR; LWIR; Type II superlattice
SemiConductor Devices P.O. Box 2250, Haifa 31021, Israell
*Israel MOD
Semiconductor Devices, P O Box 2250, Haifa 31021, Israel
* email: [email protected]
SemiConductor Devices P.O. Box 2250, Haifa 31021, Israel
†Israel MOD