SCD has developed a range of advanced infrared detectors based on III-V semiconductor heterostructures grown on GaSb. The XBn/XBp family of barrier detectors enables diffusion limited dark currents comparable with HgxCd1-xTe Rule-07 and high quantum efficiencies. SCD’s XBp type II superlattice (T2SL) detector contains InAs/GaSb
and InAs/AlSb T2SLs, and was designed for the long wave infrared (LWIR) atmospheric window using k·p based modeling of the energy bands and photo-response. Wafers are grown by molecular beam epitaxy and are fabricated into Focal Plane Array (FPA) detectors using standard FPA processes, including wet and dry etching, indium
bump hybridization, under-fill, and back-side polishing. The detector goes by the name of “Pelican-D LW”, and has a format of 640 x 512 pixels with a pitch of 15 μm. The FPA has a QE above 50%, a cut-off wave length of ~9.5 μm, and
operates at 78K with background limited performance and good stability. Pelican-D LW has a pixel operability above 99% and a residual non uniformity (RNU) of better than 0.02%. It uses a new digital read-out integrated circuit, and the complete detector closely follows the configuration of SCD’s MWIR Pelican-D detector.
Semi-Conductor Devices P.O. Box 2250, Haifa 31021, Israel. 2 – e-mail: [email protected]